Taking a cue from Analoge Architektur, this design is a slight tweak on the original, much loved workbench I’ve used for the last 12 years, when I inherited it from it’s previous owner.
All dimensions are the same, the sides slightly skewed, and there is a bottom shelf with a small edge, to keep tools, from falling out when you move it. The middle cross is basically the only change and the next 12 years will tell if that was a good idea. 🙂
Befor some DIY site snatches this up, and charges for plans, I’m slapping this licence on it:
WorkBench 2.0 by Peter Scheutz er licenseret under en Creative Commons Credits-ShareALike 4.0 International License.

WorkBench 2.0

Old WorkBench and New WorkBench 2.0

Bottom shelf for tools, with small egde to prevent tools rolling off.

Sides ARE skewed. even if the picture doesn’t show it!

It takes a crane to build a crane…. ehhh a Workbench.